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Rythe and Yar have just got 3-week school holiday. Finally, they get another free time to discover the mystery of life. Their research has gone deeper and deeper. Rythe knows that the act he has been doing is probably aimless at some point. No matter what, nothing can stop his anxiety. If he feels pointless to figure out the life, Rythe will minimize the priority. That means, he still looks for more but not at his maximum will.

Yar often or usually accompanies Rythe to gather the mystery of life. At first, he didn't get interested in what Rythe has been up to. Then, from time to time, Yar has a will to join in Rythe's adventures. Yar's backstory makes him remember about his biological big brother. Besides, Rythe reflects some of Yar's biological big brother's personality. That's why sometimes Yar addresses Rythe as big bro. Why does Yar says big bro in order to call Rythe so casually? It's because he always gets lonely. Yar is really loyal to his biological big brother.

It's about time. Rythe has a chance to be part of a private ranger organization so Rythe and Yar helps people. However, Yar can't make a decision to be a ranger partner for Rythe. They both know that the chance will get more answers of the mystery of life. Fortunately, Yar clues Rythe in on a high probability to be a ranger partner. His mind keeps on telling Yar to be loyal to Rythe, as well. Anyway, before Yar decides, they still keep on doing their own research!


The two begins to help people in order to be part of a private ranger organization. Yar still follows where Rythe go for being more loyal and proving that he will be a real good little brother of Rythe. They will get main quests, side quests and errands from some people who need Rythe's and Yar's help!

Main Quests

It's pretty self-explanatory. The most important events to continue the story. When you are in a main quest, it's best to watch out for your decisions to make some progress. You have to pick right or better choices. Then you might not get game over so soon. The most right choices you take are resulting the perfect storyline.

Side Quests

To get some side quests, you still have to ask some certain people. Side quests may not rely on your choices. You can still find some different ways to solve your side quest. However, you still have to find the only way that will complete your side quest even you find other alternatives. In this case, the quickest you get the only right way, you just completed it like in seconds! Some main quests require side quests.


As the word says. Errands are your little missions in your everyday life. They are not related to main quests and side quests. Once you got an errand, try still to pick the best way to complete it. When you are not lucky enough to make people happy, you will get the lower or lowest EXP.

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